Oakfield Provincial Park (c)Kayla Sonley-Long
HWA Community Events - Winter 2023
The following events are happening this winter to provide an update on hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) and information about how you can help prevent the spread. Please join us at an event near you or online!
Tuesday Feb. 7 - Graves Island Star-gaze and Chili Supper - SORRY, FULL
- WHERE: Graves Island Provincial Park, Hwy 3 near Chester
- TIME: 6:15-7:45pm
- DESCRIPTION : We will provide a short update on HWA that leads into the Chester Rec program ... "Join us for an early evening guided star-gaze followed by hot chili over the wood stove in the trailhead shelter. Unlike other years, we will view the sky (if conditions allow) from the fields adjacent to the shelter…no icy walks to contend with this year. Hot chocolate, chili, and good company guaranteed! Park at the parking lot before the causeway and walk across to the trailhead shelter. Watch your footing on the causeway as it can get icy." We will be available for questions.
- COST : $5.00/person (under 12 free)
- REGISTER : call Chester Rec at 902-275-3490
Saturday Feb. 18 - Winter Walk & Wildlife Signs - Chester area
- WHERE: Haughn Property Trail – Middle River (civic # 4956 Hwy #3)
- TIME: 9:30 to 11am
- DESCRIPTION : We will provide a short update on HWA that leads into the Chester Rec program ... "Join us for a Winter walk through the new trail at the Haughn property. If we’re lucky, we’ll have a fresh supply of snow that will allow us to track some of the wide variety of wild critters that inhabit our local woods and fields.. We’ll also discuss the practice of wildlife tracking in general including how to get started, equipment to have, and what resources are available. Curiosity and a willingness to slow down and pay attention are the main things needed for this experience." We will be available for questions.
- REGISTER : call Chester Rec at 902-275-3490
Monday Feb. 20 - Windhorse Farm - Hwy 10 between Bridgewater/New Germany
- WHERE: Windhorse Farm, 129 Sarty Rd, New Germany
- TIME: 10am
- DESCRIPTION : We will provide a short update on HWA that leads into the Lunenburg County Hikers event ... "This 200-acre place in the "Acadian forest", more respectfully called Forest Wapane'kati, opens one to natural beauty and tranquility. Let the sounds and silence of nature sink into your bones as you wander along forest trails. Bring your snowshoes if conditions allow. Please bring a donation for the farm. Rated 2B for some moderate hills but well-groomed trails with few obstacles. Co-host: Hike Nova Scotia." We will be available for questions.
- REGISTER : Lunenburg County Hikers / [email protected]
Wednesday Feb 22 - WEBINAR - Hiking the Trails to Save Hemlocks
- WHERE: online
- TIME: 7pm
- DESCRIPTION : Hike Nova Scotia and Nature Nova Scotia present the Hiking the Trails to Save Hemlocks webinar on conserving old growth hemlock forests, the threat of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) and what hikers can do to help shady dark hemlock forests persist.
- COST : FREE, Open to all
- REGISTER : https://www.hikenovascotia.ca/courses-save-hemlocks/
Many thanks to The Chester Municipal Recreation Department, the Lunenburg County Hikers, Hike NS and Donna Crossland for all their assistance with these events!